Ok, so here it is, the blog I previously mentioned. Funny faces people make when participating in different activities. I already mentioned a couple but I will go ahead and post them again for your reading pleasure.
1) Feeding someone else, especially a baby, with a spoon.
This is one I already talked about, so you can go read my past blog posts if you want to get the funny out of this one. Or, just watch someone spoonfeed someone else.
2) Cutting something with scissors.
I know I make a funny face with this one. The popular face for this activity? Tongue hanging out the side of your mouth as you slide your scissors across that peice of paper. You know you've done it!
3) Dancing.
You know the face I'm talking about. The face where one purses their lips together as they bob their head. KJ is really good at this face; however, it's not so funny as it is really, really adorable!
4) Checking yourself out in the mirror.
A little similar to the dance face, a somewhat cocky look... I suppose it would be cocky if you are really checking yourself out (Yeah, go and brush your shoulder off already). Let's be fair, though. I make funny faces in the mirror too, especially if I'm focusing in on one certain area ie. my hair, face, teeth, etc... I don't think it's cocky look though, it definitely falls under the funny look category. There is a difference!
5) Pooping.
A little personal, a little gross. The reason this face came to mind is because I watch my kids make this face daily. The blank expression which turns their face a slow deep red as they push. Cute, but pretty funny!
6) When you eat something sour.
7) When you eat something gross.
Another Duh!
So, those are the faces that come to mind as of now. I will add more if I think of some and if you have any contributions, let me know and I'll add those too!
End of Year Survey
2 months ago
Those are great! Now try to catch the kids making all those faces and blog about it. That would be hilarious!